Students and researchers of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, headed by the head of the Educational and Scientific Youth Space Center, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department "Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles" of the Faculty of "Special Engineering" Majorova Vera Ivanovna, visited the System Control Center (MCC) "Gonets" (system operator - JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" is part of the State Corporation "Roscosmos") and we got acquainted with the aspects of operator activity.
The preparation and holding of the event was carried out by the Personnel Management and Remuneration Service of JSC SS Gonets, an excursion for representatives of Bauman University was conducted by the Head of the TSUS Fomichev Evgeny Sergeevich. He spoke about the aspects of the operator activity of SS Gonets JSC and clearly demonstrated the work of the satellite operator. The guests were presented online the movement of 18 satellites of the Gonets system relative to the Earth, currently in orbit, as well as the transmission of signals via satellite communication channels. Fomichev demonstrated the functionality of the user interface, with which you can transmit coordinates or send a message through the Messenger system.
In May of this year, Romanov Roman, a representative of SS Gonets JSC, already met with students of Bauman University and talked about the Gonets personal satellite communication system and the Luch relay system. Now all interested students with specialized specialties and researchers of the university visited the Central Research Center "Gonets" and discussed with great interest the technical issues of the round-the-clock operation of the satellite operator.
Студенты и научные руководители Бауманского университета в ЦУС "Гонец"
Начальник ЦУС "Гонец" Фомичев Е.С. проводит экскурсию для гостей