Sole operator of ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation for communication and relaying satellite systems

MSRS “Loutch” and MSPSC “Gonets-D1M” among the backbone projects of the “Sphere”

MSRS “Loutch” and MSPSC “Gonets-D1M” among the backbone projects of the “Sphere”
MSRS “Loutch” and MSPSC “Gonets-D1M” among the backbone projects of the “Sphere”

Jury Urlichich, Roscosmos First Deputy CEO of State Corporation for Development of Orbit Group and Prospective Projects, presented at the XI International conference "Satellite Russia & CIS: Digital services on all orbits” the conceptual framework of the Federal Target Program “Sphere” – Comnews agency repored on their pages.

The “Sphere” program will become the basis of scientific, technical and innovative development of the Space & Rocket Industry of the Russian Federation. It will include three constituents – communications, positioning and Earth remote sensing.

Among the “Sphere” backbone projects are, along with other systems, the Multifunctional Space Relay System “Loutch” and the Multifunctional System for Personal Satellite Communications “Gonets-D1M” in the communications segment.