In the context of learning on the basis of JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" employees of service organizations to acquire knowledge and skills to work with satellite terminals "Messenger", since the features of the installation, and to order warranty service devices. Experts are also studying the composition of space and ground assets, the purpose and the basic principles of the system of mobile satellite communication "Messenger".
Representatives of the organisations trained, as well as to the organizations are issued a certificate granting the right to perform works on installation and maintenance of subscriber equipment system "Gonets".
To date the course was taken by 9 companies operating in the field of servicing of fishing vessels received 5 applications. These organizations will carry out the installation and maintenance of ship earth stations "Messenger" allowed for installation on fishing vessels by order of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation from 13.07.2016, No. 294 "On approval of the Procedure of the courts technical controls and their types".