Sole operator of ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation for communication and relaying satellite systems

Transmission of navigational tracks of the expedition to the Taimyr Peninsula with the help of the "Gonets" system

Transmission of navigational tracks of the expedition to the Taimyr Peninsula with the help of the "Gonets" system
Transmission of navigational tracks of the expedition to the Taimyr Peninsula with the help of the "Gonets" system
This spring, the satellite system "Gonets" has successfully coped with the task of transferring from remote locations coordinate information of GPS/GLONASS with SUVs. Recently completed automobile expedition "Attraction of the Arctic – Taimyr ring", which was launched on February 17 of Novy Urengoy. All the way motorists travelling on the roads away from populated areas, tested the endurance and accuracy of the satellite system "Gonets". Unfortunately, the expedition failed to reach the ultimate goal - the Cape Chelyuskin due to severe weather conditions: early spring snowstorm, winds up to 20 m/s, the high level of snow cover. The track of the expedition, obtained with the help of "the Gonets", you can see below. Almost the entire route runs outside the service areas of terrestrial communication networks, making the use of the satellite channel "Gonets" the only alternative.