Sole operator of ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation for communication and relaying satellite systems

Terminal MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is allowed to be used for the control of ships

Terminal MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is allowed to be used for the control of ships
Terminal MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is allowed to be used for the control of ships
«Gonets» system

Terminal MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" is included in the list of equipment permitted for use for monitoring fishing vessels in the Federal fisheries Agency.

Of the fgbi "Centre of the monitoring system of fishery and communications" has published a list of equipment to be used as a technical means of control (TSC) vessels in fishing fleet, in order to ensure timely re-equipment of Russian fishing vessels, registration and issuing of Certificate of conformity TSK. It is planned that this list will be included in the draft order of the Ministry of agriculture of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Procedure of the courts technical controls and their types".

According to the list on ships can be installed subscriber terminals MSPSS "Gonets-D1M" that allow you to communicate with GLONASS/GPS positioning of fishing vessels with the required frequency.

Satellite system "Gonets" can be used offshore, especially in areas far from the coastline, has proved its effectiveness for the transmission of coordinate data in the trials on the Northern sea route (ice-breaker "50 years of Victory") at the end of 2014. In addition, the record system have a positive experience in many years of service on ships of various purposes, including running and currently.

Read more about the "Gonets" for the monitoring of fishing fleet:

«Гонец» на атомном ледоколе «50 лет Победы»

"Gonets" on the nuclear icebreaker "50 let Pobedy"  Photo: