On March 28 to 29, at the JSC "Information Satellite Systems" (Reshetnev Company) took place a Council of Chief Designers chaired by Deputy CEO of Roscosmos Spate Corporation for space systems and complexes M. Chailov. The event was attended by representatives of more than 30 rocket-and-space industry companies.
The agenda of the Council covered a review of the implementation progress of current and future projects in the framework of the implementation of key government programs in the field of space including the Federal Space Program.
JSC “Satellite System Gonets” sent to the event First Deputy CEO Oleg Chimochko and Deputy Head of MSPSC “Gonets-D1M” Operation Division A. Belik who presented at the Council reports on the progress of operation and service provision based on of MSPSC “Gonets-D1M” and MSRS “Loutch” within the framework of Federal Space Program.