Sole operator of ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation for communication and relaying satellite systems

Operation of JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" during the pandemic saved

Operation of JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" during the pandemic saved
Operation of JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" during the pandemic saved

JSC “Satellite System “Gonets” (the sole operator of the State Corporation “Roscosmos” for communication and relay satellite systems) have summed up intermediate results of operation in the period of coronavirus pandemic. The company is in full providing communication and relay services by means of the satellite systems “Gonets” and “Loutch”. During the period of self-isolation the employees employment amounted at 85%. This number does not include personnel on their planned leave and on sick leave.

JSC “Satellite System “Gonets” CEO Pavel Cherenkov about work experience in the new conditions: “The specific of our enterprise operation implies different working schedule for various divisions. The engineers, tech-specs and operators are to handle round o’clock shift-work as the control of orbit constellations and provision of services to customers rest with them. It is an uninterruptable working cycle which is maintained by about 30% of the company staff. That is why it was and is mandatory for them to be present at their working places. We did our best to ensure for such personnel and those who need to be in the office all anti-pandemic measures such as enhanced sanitary treatment of premisies, individual protection means, procured on the company’s account, regular health monitoring, informing on the social distance keeping and other measures needed. Apart from that we regularly conduct testing for Covid-19 for the staff in the office.

Also starting from the pandemic first days we introduced the dayly collection of information about those who got infected and potentially dangerous contacts of all the staff. This helps bring to minimum the risk for those who have come in to work. And this bears fruit. For today there is only one worker who has a coronavirus diagnosis, and he got the infection not at the company premises but from his spouse who is a medical staff. So, our experience shows that regular monitoring and information activities are acting prophylactics measures and must be by all means conducted.

Along with that, for those colleagues who can do their jobs remotely we tried to create all conditions for carrying out their job responsibilities at their homes. All the corporative information systems are available in the remote mode and each worker has possibilities of full-blown use of them. As in the majority of companies, we conduct regular working meetings at online platforms which have already become an indivisible part of our corporative life.

For JSC “Satellite System “Gonets” the measures against coronavirus did not become an insurmountable obstacle to performing the company’s usual functions. Thanks to the flexible adaptation of working processes, the satellite operator manages to carry out its obligations to the services consumers and is actively work on prospective projects. In particular, in this year May the company undertook working at a “Gonets” system next generation schematic design which together with the current operation ensured the employment of all the workforce.

Testing for coronavirus in JSC “Satellite System “Gonets”