JSC "Satellite system "Gonets" received the certificate of registration of radio electronic equipment for earth stations of satellite communication Loutch MSRS (ESS-L) modifications "01" and "02". Certificate issued by Department of Roskomnadzor in the Amur region, allowed the use of these stations on its territory. The grounds for the issue was the permission to use of radio frequencies No. 685-RFS-16-0048, 0049 from 27.12.2016. The expiration date applies to 30.06.2025.
Earth stations of satellite communication MSRS "Loutch" are used to provide services to the users transfer TV content, video conferencing, individual and collective access to the Internet, relaying target information from remote areas. The provision of services to their use possible at any point on the territory of Russia up to 72° N. The equipment is mobile and easily transported in special cases.