The new commander of International space station crew (launch astronauts is planned for 17 December 2017, on the ship "the Union"), Russian cosmonaut Anton shkaplerov has shared details of the planned spacewalks and the installation of the subscriber equipment relay (AAP) Multifunctional space relay system (MSRS ) "Loutch".
According to him, in accordance with the planned program during the spacewalk the crew will be made of the replaced block, the ADA is installed on the antenna, intended for when the ISS MSRS "Loutch". The task is unique in its own way, as the antenna is installed in such place, shell station, where astronauts previously had to work. To implement the dismantling of the old unit and installation of the new will be used specifically designed for performing important tasks the tools. Anton shkaplerov called the work "jewelry", because the crew will have to Unscrew and screw the dozens of screws, working in thick gloves.
The purpose of the installation of a new unit AAR – communication with the Russian segment of the ISS solely by means of the Russian system MXR Luch with at the moment in the orbital group 3 geostationary spacecraft-relay ("Loutch-5A", "Loutch-5B", "Loutch-5V"). The new channel will allow the Russian segment to be connected while the ISS is outside the zone of direct visibility from the territory of Russia, i.e. of the entire trajectory.
Cosmonaut Anton Shkaplerov Photo: Aleksandr Scherbak/TASS